First All Female Spcaewalk by NASA


Spacewalk is a dangerous extra vehicular activity which requires astronauts to exit the relative safety of their spacecraft(space shuttle or space station) to perform work on its exterior the process adheres to strict safety, procedures requires extensive safety equipment, and is only performed when a space agency determines it is absolute necessary.
Astronauts go on spacewalks to do important jobs outside their spacecraft. When some task is done in certain time then it is called spacewalk.

First person to go on a Spacewalk was Alexei Leonov. He was from Russia.
The first spacewalk was on done on 18th March,1965 for 10 minutes.

Spacewalk also known as a Extra Vehicular Activity(EVA), an astronaut literally walks in space, existing the relative safety of the International Space Station in order to perform exterior repairs on thing like solar panel.
Spacewalk are dangerous physically demanding and rare and astronauts who know how body works in space then that astronaut sends to space for spacewalk.
First time, all female astronauts sends to space for spacewalk. Team goes for spacewalk which includes maximum of one woman and other man but this time team of two female astronauts goes for spacewalk.

Svetlana Savitskaya, a retired soviet aviator and cosmonaut who flew abroad Soyuz T-7 in 1982 becoming the second woman in space. On her 1982 mission, she become first woman to fly to space twice and the first woman to perform a spacewalk from USSR.

History creates in October 2019 when Christina Koch and Jessica Meir left the International Space Station today(19th October,2019) to begin the first all female spacewalk ever. Their job was to fix a broken part of the international space station's solar power network (5 hours maintenance).

Its a big achievement for NASA(National Aeronautics Space Administration).


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