India's rank in World Economic Forum's Competitive Index

Global comparativeness India rank is reduced by 10 points. World Economic Forum(WEF) based on Cologny-Geneva, Switzerland and was founded in the year 1971 as a non profit organization. It is important not only for India but for the whole world.

Its a Dynamic report and also called annual yardstick for policy makers to look beyond short term and reactionary measure and to instead assess their progress against full set of factors that determine productivity.
These are organized into 12 diverse pillars-
  • Institutions
  • Appropriate infra
  • Stability of macroeconomics framework
  • Good health and primary education
  • Higher education and training
  • Efficient goods markets
  • Efficient labor markets
  • Developed financial markets
  • Ability to harness existing Technology
  • Market size both domestic and international
  • Production of new and different good using the most sophisticated production process
  • Innovation

Singapore beats USA in ranking Global Comparativeness Index,2019. India slipped from 58th position to 68th position in Global Competitiveness Index,2019 release by World Economic Forum(WEF).
Top 10 Countries in Global Competitiveness Report

Report shows negative performance of India in 2019. Iran is the only other country out of 141 countries surveyed whose ranking also fell by 10 position.

World Economic Forum(WEF) statement "India, in 68th position, loses ground in the rankings despite a relatively stable score, mostly due to faster improvements of several countries previously ranked lower".

In South Asia, India is followed by Sri Lanka at 84th Position, Bangladesh is at 105 Position, Nepal's position is at 108 and Pakistan is at 110th position. China is at 28th position.

Last country which is ranked at 141 is an African Country Chad.


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