ISRO(Indian Space Research Organization) Project NETRA(Network for space object tracking and Analysis)
This project is important not only for India but for the rest of the World. Project will cost upto Rupee 400 crore+.
March, 2019 carry out mission Shakti, under anti satellite weapon or missile and India destroyed their own satellite. NASA(National Aeronautics and Space Administration) track pieces of debris remains in the orbit and criticize India for it. Indian Missile Experts criticized this claim by mentioning that debris was generated by India. Similar test by the US has generated debris and adding that debris doesn't pose threat to any spacecraft because it is in a very low orbit.

➢What are debris and how are they formed?
Debris are junk present in our space which is harmful for future space missions. Aircraft sent to space may get burst or its parts may not function properly then the small/big particles of the missile gets separated and those particles or small objects is called debri or junk.

Space debri problem was started in the year 1970. Space junk is a threat to active satellites and spaceships. These debris will threat pose other missions also.
ISRO project NETRA is made to detect debri and other hazards to Indian Satellites.

Project NETRA will has its-
  • Connected radars in north east, 
  • long range telescopes in Leh, 
  • data processing units and control center.
Anything which is a part of debri, NETRA will detect it and collect it and objects as small as 10 cm up to range of 3,400 km and equal to space orbit of around 2,000 km.
This project is not sufficient to clear debri from space not even 1% debri will be cleared. Every country will have to come together and clear this problem of debri.


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