India on moon #human_spaceflight #UPSC

ISRO(Indian Space Research Organization) chief K.Svan gives a major announcement of Gaganyan Mission. This mission will be held by the year 2021. It was first decided to do this mission by the year 2022 but they have shifted year from year 2022 december to 2021.
This mission got approval by union cabinet with announcing the budget of Rupees 10,000 crore are going to be invested in this project.
Three indians will be send to space for 5-7 days in GSLV MK III Spacecraft.

Gganyaan Mission

India will be on 4th position in the world for sending humans in space mission. India will send three humans to moon to observe everything in space by getting out from their capsule for 5-7 days.

There are three countries that already send humans to space-

  • First is Russia,
  • Second is USA and
  • Third is China

Japan also announced that they will also send a human to space by the year 2022. Not only Japan, Iran also said that they will also send human to space in future.
China Space program named Shenzhou was held in the year 2003.

Karman line

Karman line helps us to understand that when the actual space will be started.
Distance of 100km should be crossed from Earth to space to reach Karman line.
International Space Station is about 370km above Earth's surface.
India will go above the Karman line 4xtimes with Indian Nationals.
We will also see Indian Space Station mission in future by the year 2030.

Additional Information-

First Human space flight was done in the year 1961 by USSR(Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (also known as Soviet Union)Yuri Gagarin and mission named as VOSTOK.
First Space walk was also done by USSR(Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) in the year 1965 by Alexei Leonov.


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