India's Dry dock #UPSC

➣What is Dry dock?
The word Dock means a place where Ships Rest and unloads. Ships maintenance work or repair takes place. In Dry dock ship enters and then the gate is closed and water is pump out and ship is stand still and repair work starts of the ship.

Indian navy to get its biggest Drydock. Bombay dockyard is also called Naval Dockyard and works for Indian Shipbuilding Yard at Mumbai
Bombay dockyard in 1735 by East India Company by Lovji Wadia completed in the year 1750.
It is the Asia's 1st dry dock in the year 1811 transferred to British Royal Naval.

Bombay dockyard in Mumbai has 3 other dry dock also
  • Bombay Dock
  • Drunken Dock
  • Cruiser Graving Dock
These dock are more than 150 years old.

Present dry dock is designed for the maintenance related facilities of INS Vikramaditya . Its navy's largest dry dock. Its dimension are 281m length, 45 m breadth and almost 17m depth. Dry dock construction work was given to Hindustan construction company in the year 2010 and its design was inspired by Singapore dock. Land is a scarce resource so, it is built into the sea to save land. It took around 9 years to complete this project and the amount of rupees 1,000 crore was invested in it. It is made up of 8000+ tonne steel for the core of this project.

  • Maintenance expenses will be reduced as ships are not send to private companies for repairing,
  • Robotic machinery equipment are also available in this dock,
  • Big Instruments are available inside this drydock to save the time of engineers working for it.

At present, India has only 1 aircraft which is INS Vikramaditya.
INS Vikrant(R11) also called Indigenous Aircraft(IAS-1) was a majestic-class aircraft carrier of the Indian Navy is under construction by Cochin Shipyard in Kochi, Kerala in the year 2013. Trial will be finished in the year 2020 or 2021. It will work for Indian Navy Service by the year 2023.

Construction of 3rd India's drydock will also start in next few years named as INS Vishal.


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